Title of Training: A Recipe for Success: Enhancing Productivity with 5s, Food Safety, and GMP – Day 1
Purpose of Training:

To enhance the knowledge and skills of Aicee Catering Food Services personnel to implement 5s, Food Safety, and GMP practices in their production facilities

Date of Training: 13 July 2024
Time: 9:30 AM – 4:30 AM (6 hrs)
Mode of Training: Face to face training
Target Participants: Enterprise (MSMEs)
Venue: Block 5 Lot 6 Corvette Street, Thunderdbird Subdivision, Caloocan City

Training Outline:

“1. Costs of a Workplace without 5S
2. History/Background on 5S
3. Details on 5S, its steps and guidelines for
4. Importance and Benefits of 5S implementation
5. 5S as foundation for Continuous Improvement
6. Introduction the concept of Food Safety Hazard to participants
7. Biological Hazards
8. Factors Affecting Growth of MIcroorhanisms in Food
9. Foodborne Illness
10. Chemical Hazards
11. Allergens
12. Physical Hazards
13. Sources of Contaminants and Hazards
14. Control Measures

Day 2
1. Understanding on CXC 1-1969, Rev.5 (2020)
2. Importance and Benefits of BFH implementation
4. Introduction to current Good Manufacturing Practices
5. Requirements of GMP
6. Importance and Benefits of the implementation of GMP
7. DOH Administrative
Order 153 Series of 2004 and the Food Safety Act of 2013 (RA