Title of Training: El Niño Ready: A Guide to Public Health, Safety, and Energy Efficiency by DOST, DOH, and Meralco
Purpose of Training:
“To reinforce human resource in
the region to be disaster and climate change resilient, and to provide insights into the specifics of public health, and safety, which are crucial to mitigate the impact of El Niño in the region.”
Date of Training: 24 May 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (3 hrs)
Mode of Training: Virtual training
Target Participants: Academe (Educational Institutions), Civil Society Organization (CSO)/Non-Government Organization (NGO), Com-based Enterprise, Enterprise (MSMEs), Government – National Government Agency (NGA), Government – Local Government Unit (LGU), Industry Association, Media (Press)
Venue: Zoom Teleconference Platform
Training Outline:
“1. Climate Outlook for
the Upcoming Months 2. Heat Illness Recognition and First Aid 3. Turning Knowledge to Action: Energy Management for the Business Operators 4. Food Safety During El Niño: “Iwas Panis this Tag-Init” “