Training Title: Emerging Food Trends for Research Topics

Purpose of Training:

“1. Familiarize with the current research landscape;
2. Understand its linkage with a Sustainable Food System and the UN SDGs;
3. Acquire the right attitude and drive for your chosen research topic; and
4. Distinguish the needs and considerations per research/thematic areas.”

Mode: Face to face training

Target Participants: Academe (Educational Institutions), Civil Society Organization (CSO)/Non-Government Organization (NGO), Com-based Enterprise, Government – National Government Agency (NGA), Government – Local Government Unit (LGU), Industry Association, Media (Press)

Date of Training: 27 February 2024

Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (3 hrs)

Venue: Zoom

Training Outline:

“1. Shifting Landscape for Researchers
2. Overview on Sustainable Food Systems
3. Highlights on Selected Research Areas in the Food Industry
4. World Food Challenge to every Researcher”


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